6. Deady, M., Collins, D. A., Azevedo, S., Stech, E., Harrison, A. W., Broomfield, C., Yadav, S., Gayed, A., Harvey, S. B., & Bryant, R. (2024).
Integration of a smartphone app with posttraumatic stress disorder treatment for frontline workers: a pilot study.
Australian Journal of Psychology, 76(1), 2399112.
5. Harrison, A. W., Hughes, G., Rudman, G., Christensen, B. K., & Whitford, T. J. (2023).
Exploring the internal forward model: Action-effect prediction and attention in sensorimotor processing.
Cerebral Cortex, bhad189.
4. Harrison, A. W., Mannion, D. J., Jack, B. N., Griffiths, O., Hughes, G., & Whitford, T. J. (2021).
Sensory attenuation is modulated by the contrasting effects of predictability and control.
NeuroImage, 118103.
3. Harrison, A. W., Shou, Y., & Christensen, B. K. (2021).
A cognitive model of delusion propensity through dysregulated correlation detection.
Schizophrenia Research, 237, 93-100.
2. Monds, L. A., Cullen, H. J., Kloft, L., Sumampouw, N., van Golde, C., Harrison, A. W., & Otgaar, H. (2021).
Police perceptions of eyewitness impairment due to alcohol and other drug use: a cross-cultural comparison. Police Practice and Research, 1-16.
1. Monds, L. A., Cullen, H. J., Kloft, L., van Golde, C., Harrison, A. W., & Flowe, H. (2021).
Memory and credibility perceptions of alcohol and other drug intoxicated witnesses and victims of crime.
Psychology, Crime & Law, 1-21.
5. Harrison, A. W. (2022).
Attention, prediction and sensory attenuation: A neurophysiological investigation of the internal forward model
[Doctoral dissertation, UNSW Sydney]. UNSWorks.
4. Harrison, A. W., Christensen, B. K., & Whitford, T. J. (2022).
Action-effect prediction in volitional and stimulus-driven movement: An investigation of error monitoring.
3. Foster, J., Harrison, A. W., Brown, K., Manton, E., Wilkinson, C. & Ferguson, A. (2017).
Anytime, anyplace, anywhere?
Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education.
2. Georgeson, C., & Harrison, A. W. (2015).
Regional impacts of the accelerated decline of the manufacturing sector in Australia.
Department of Industry and Science.
1. Swanepoel, J. A., & Harrison, A. W. (2015).
The business size distribution in Australia
Department of Industry and Science.
9. Archer, I. M. G., Shoaib, M., Harrison, A. W., Gilmour, J., Hadji-Michael, M., Nedoma, R., Shavel-Jessop, S., & Murphy, T. (2024).
Adapting psychoeducation to accommodate neurodiversity among young people with Tourette syndrome [Poster Presentation].
16th International Conference on Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders, Varese, Italy.
8. Chung, L. C., Harris, A., Griffiths, O., Jack, B., Le Pelley, M. E., Spencer, K. M., Barreiros, A. R., Harrison, A. W., Han, N., Libesman, S., Pearson, D., Elijah, R., Chan, S. S., Chong, G. H., So, S. H., & Whitford, T. J. (2024).
Neurophysiological evidence of motor preparation dysfunction to inner speech in schizophrenia [Conference Presentation].
32nd European Congress of Psychiatry (ECP), Budapest, Hungary.
7. Harrison, A. W., Christensen, B. K., & Whitford, T. J. (2022).
Action-effect prediction in sensory attenuation and error monitoring: Distinguishing stimulus-driven and volitional movement [Conference Presentation].
Australian Brain and Psychological Sciences Meeting, Brisbane, Qld, Australia.
6. Harrison, A. W. (2020).
Sensory attenuation is modulated by the contrasting effects of predictability and control [Conference Presentation].
UNSW Forensic and Clinical Psychology Conference, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
5. Christensen, B. & Harrison, A. W. (2019).
Delusional ideation as the result of error signal dysregulation in the assessment of correlation [Conference Presentation].
7th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research (ECSR), Berlin, Germany.
4. Harrison, A. W., Christensen, B. & Shou, Y. (2018).
Delusional ideation through dysregulated error in the detection of correlation [Conference Presentation].
The Sydney Postgraduate Psychology Conference, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
3. Harrison, A. W., (2017).
Corporate Political Donations from the Alcohol Industry [Conference Presentation].
The Global Alcohol Policy Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
2. Harrison, A. W., (2015).
Declining Self-Employment: Examining Evidence and Labour Market Impacts of Business Consolidation [Conference Presentation].
The Australian Conference of Economists, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia.
1. Harrison, A. W., & Georgeson, C. (2014).
Regional Impacts of the Accelerated Decline of the Manufacturing Sector in Australia [Conference Presentation].
The Australian Conference of Economists, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.